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Hops in product form offer many advantages – and ensure the best brewing results

Leaf hops and various types of pellets 

Hop pellets are prepared purely by mechanically processing the raw hops. Dried hop cones currently account for the smallest share of the product range and are rarely used in breweries in their unprocessed form (e.g. as a Vacupack). 


To preserve the valuable hop profile for the brewing process, leaf hops are processed into pellets of Type 90 and Type 45. The production process ensures very good homogenization of the hop batches used and therefore consistent quality within the processing batches. Pellets Type 45 are produced at extremely low process temperatures as low as to -40 °C to optimally separate the lupulin from the other plant components in the hops. In the next process step, the ingredients are standardized to a desired level of bitterness. The production process thereby compensates the natural fluctuations present in the harvested raw hops. 


In addition to classic Type 90 and Type 45 hop pellets, we also produce special or particularly highly enriched pellet products. Stabilized and Isomerized Pellets increase efficiency in the brewing process, while HardResin Pellets and Polyphenol Aroma Pellets contain only selective hop substance groups. Lupulin Pellets andLupulin Powder represent the maximum in terms of mechanical concentration of thebrewing-relevant ingredients and therefore offer the most intense bitterness and aroma. The significantly reduced volume of pellet products – 75 to 80 percent of that of raw hops – means that they are much easier to handle in the brewing process, as well as during storage and transport. All pellet products are optimally packaged in an oxygen-free atmosphere in foil pouches that protect the contents from light and gas, finally packed in cartons of various sizes.

hops on leafs
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