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Introducing: SalvoPlus®

Introducing SalvoPlus® – The Liquid Aroma Booster for Brewhouse and Cold Section

Hopsteiner proudly presents SalvoPlus®, an innovative solution that redefines the art of brewing with advanced hop addition technology. SalvoPlus® is a highly efficient, water-based liquid extract designed specifically for flavoring, delivering intense hop aroma with little to no sensory bitterness.

Efficient Hop Addition Without Compromise
SalvoPlus® contains only the essential hop oils and beta acids derived from CO₂ hop extracts. It provides brewers with a clean and effective way to intensify hop aroma while minimizing the challenges of conventional hop products.

Optimal Application in Hot and Cold Brewing Processes

  • In the Brewhouse: SalvoPlus® is added at the end of the boiling process or ideally directly into the whirlpool.
  • During Fermentation: When used in the cold section, SalvoPlus® ensures a strong dry-hop character without the risk of hop creep.

Key Benefits at a Glance

  • Higher Aroma Yield: Significantly higher yields of hop aroma compounds compared to traditional hop products.
  • Minimal Beer Loss: No introduction of plant material, resulting in reduced beer losses and easier handling.
  • Precision and Flexibility: Accurate dosing for both hot and cold applications.
  • Simplified Brewing Process: Liquid form that dissolves easily and efficiently without technological limitations.

Dosage Information

  • Hot Area: Dosage is calculated based on linalool content.
  • Cold Area: Dosage is determined by the total oil content.

SalvoPlus® – the ideal solution for enhancing and diversifying hop aroma while optimizing brewery efficiency.

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